This is St Peters Basilica from the outside. Much cooler on the inside.
All of these things require many more words than I can muster to describe and do justice, so I will just say one word that tries to sum them up: Awesome. Not in the "radical" surfie type way, but in the old school "inspiring awe or admiration or wonder" way. Particularly the Pantheon and the Vatican and... (well all of it really) just needs to be seen in person to get an idea of what I mean. I think my chin has been firmly anchored to the ground for a while, only raising again for fear of gypsies thowing babies in my mouth.
Now if you ever want to go see the Cistine Chapel, GO EARLY. We rocked up at about 9 o'clock, and got to the beginning of the line just over 2 hours later. I hope I never have to get into a line that long ever again. It was worth i though. You have to go through a whole lot of other galleries and rooms and stuff before you actually get to the chapel, but it's all priceless sculpture and other art up to 2000 years old (or more!). Stuff you've seen in books and in calendars etc. Much cooler in real life. We've got heaps of photos, and will be bringing them home for all to see.
Here's one for Ben. (Happy belated birthday dude! Keep rockin' the free world.) It's from a bus station near the Vatican.
Off to Florence tomorrow...
"for fear of gypsies throwing babies in my mouth"
L fucking Oh L motherfucker!
Hella yes! Nice shot :D
hey does that place sell spoons? nudge nudge
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